Friday, November 23, 2007

Winter has finally arrived in Ohio with brisk, chilly winds and our first inch of snow. I've decided to hibernate today and took a look through some of my favorite glass pieces I completed when the air was much warmer.

I really like exploring the process of pattern bars. If you're not familiar with them, they consist of a simple idea that finishes with a more complicated look. Strips of glass in varying widths are stacked and fused. Sometimes with a planned pattern but for me, usually quite freeform. This stack is built until it reaches 3/4-1 inch high. It is fully fused and sliced into 1/8-1/4 inch sections. These are layed side-by-side to create a repeating pattern. They can be quite beautiful. Above is one of my favorite pieces done in this technique.

When first conceived my mind was still on the pleasant memories of refreshing Belize breezes. Now looking at the piece with winter raising it's head I'm thinking of the brisk white snows & blue ice to come.

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